Friday, September 13, 2019

Medical Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7500 words

Medical Innovation - Essay Example Let us see how they differ. The word 'Technology' can be defined as - "The application of knowledge to meet the goals, goods, and services desired by people [3]. The word "Innovation' can be defined as - "The introduction of new ideas, goods, services, and practices which are intended to be useful. The main driver for innovation is often the courage and energy to better the world. An essential element for innovation is its application in a commercially successful way [4]." To be clearer, Technology introduces useful goods, services etc., by making use of existing techniques whereas innovation is actually bringing out something which is entirely new. The field of healthcare and medicine is rapidly evolving. Lots of developments are taking place in this field on an every day basis. Innovation in the field comprises of introducing new ideas, methods of treatment, drugs, and medical devices, keeping in view the overall people's health status and the different kinds of disease that are also cropping up competitively with the technology improvement. In today's rapidly developing and advanced world, innovation in the field of health care and medicine has taken a completely new and faster pace. Simultaneously, the number of diseases, primarily 'lifestyle-related diseases' such as diabetics, hypertension etc are also becoming very serious problems. Myocardial infection, cerebral apoplexy etc, are certain crucial illnesses that are the results of these life-style related diseases. For such illnesses to be tackled in a better way or even to be prevented, daily healthcare has got a very crucial part to play. Daily healthcare can be attribu ted to exercise, proper and balanced diet, stress etc. Though there is a lot of technology development and innovation happening in this field, certain kinds of diseases like diabetics etc. do not have specific care etc for their treatment. General care like diet care and regular exercising

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